My Worst Teacher

I don’t think I’ve ever had one worst teacher. I have had many great teachers, a sadly high number of not so great teachers, but I don’t think I have had any single teacher who stood above the rest as exceptionally awful. However, if I took all the not so great teachers and combined them, you’d get a truly terrifying teacher.

This is a teacher who is just there for the paycheck. They don’t particularly like kids, and have been doing this job for so long they self admittedly have started seeing the students as a mass rather than as individuals. They lecture as though ticking off a checklist of what they’ve lectured in previous years on autopilot, completely oblivious to the student in the back of the class who doesn’t really get it and is too scared to raise their hand. The teacher who, after the majority of the class fails a test, moves on as though the students are just not intelligent enough to understand the material rather than looking at their own teaching method and what they clearly need to explain differently.

This is a teacher who spends more time on their phone than their students. You can scoff, but I’ve been in more than one conversation with a particular high school teacher where they could barely look up from their phone to hum their indifferent response to whatever it was I was asking about. They assign busywork because they assume if the students are too busy with menial tasks, they wont realize their teacher checked out well before they did. My worst teachers are the ones who didn’t care.

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